At Li'l Yogis we strongly believe that it’s never too early for yoga. Making sure your kids come to the mat early will lead to a more holistic development. When you sign them up, they’re not just doing a physical activity, they’re absorbing a lifelong skillset. And what’s more, our experienced teachers focus on the students' total wellness and on developing a healthy lifestyle.
Through our creatively designed and carefully curated classes, the kids will learn yoga, breathwork, philosophy, values and meditation. We use an engaging mix of storytelling, games, music, themes, challenges and more to really get the juices flowing.
Making yoga a playful and engaging activity, giving kids across the globe usable tools for everyday stress, worries and challenges.
Beginning with kids as young as three, we envision the deep yoga tradition becoming popular with kids around the world. We want to give each and every child, the world over, access to yoga and its benefits so that they deeply enjoy it.
Online course 3-5 year old
Online course 5-9 year old
online course 9-12 year old
online course 12-16 year old
Avni Shah
Minu Shah
Anusha Nagaraja
Kevina Gada
Labdhi Vikmani
Sravya Patchigolla
Founder and Owner